Nov 27, 1980
(date to be stamped on blank muslin above)
This weekend I decided to take a class where I would make something I already knew how to make. Crazy? I first wanted to support my wonderful friend Jackie in having a class at her newly transformed home into the most wonderful shabby chic Play House - her entire home! Plus, my great friend Suzi Blu now lives upstairs (I helped move Suzi here).(date to be stamped on blank muslin above)
Jackie and I had learned this fabric technique from the wonderful K.C. Willis. (Please check out my previous blogs where I feature various classes, teachers and projects: Margo blogs 4/4/11, K.C. Willis blogs 7/22/10 and 2/14/11 and my Terri Brush blog on 1/24/11 ). K.C. has since stopped teaching this class and chosen to preach for Jesus. Plus, she lives in Colorado. Jackie Baxted and Rita Reade had given their wall hanging a new twist by adding soldered words.
(created by Jackie and Rita)
I had seen the above sample with the soldered letters "Mother" and was inspired. So on my own I had designed a project to give my Aunt Chris who lives in New Jersey for this years birthday/Mother's Day present. (I have no idea if she will think it kool or not but know she would appreciate the intentions). It is a photo of her mother and my grandmother.
Helen Malko Gorsczcyk
(nothing sewed - still playing with it)
(nothing sewed - still playing with it)
It is a woman's prerogative to change her mind and hence the night before the class I decided I wanted to make the focal point photo using the photo of the night I met my natural mother for the first time at my full sister 's home who I had just "found" two weeks earlier. Whew, that was a long sentence which I'm sure is grammatically incorrect. I needed new stuff (fabric/canvas) stained and frayed. (See first photo on this blog for almost completely wall hanging).
Prior to all that I had been working on my own for a canvas piece that features the only photo I know of with my natural mother, Irene, and natural father, Joe, clandestinely together all dressed up and on the beach at Coney Island. I decided to embroidery this piece by hand in a very free style manor and once again, the project is not quite finished. . .

The added bonus to taking classes is always the new people you met and the old friends you hook up with once again. I sat across the table from Patty Montejo and Sharon - new people and very interesting. Sharon is a quilter and together they have their first big even on Saturday, Oct. 1 in Temecula. Lots of artists original work to purchase! Can't wait. Check out the link above to visit their website for more information.
Plus, I also got to see Robin Sanchez who I had met at Terri Brush's soldering class at the Urban Barn in Temecula. I had invited her to Jackie's once a month "playday" where Margo Beatty gave a great demo of her soldering techniques. I love Robin Sanchez's shabby chic style in all her art and jewelry projects and loved what she created this day!
If you can't get away to take a class, please check out my dear friend Margo's amazing online soldering class through Suzi Blu's Ning site. Margo takes you step by step close-ups and holds your hand and answers all your questions. Plus there is a place to display all you have done in this class for other students to see. Truly IMHO Margo's class for a beginning soldering class is the best and you own the video for life and can down load it to your computer and it is darn cheap - $55.
Plus, my good friend, Kat Baker, was also there. Last month Kat became a grandmother two times! Darn, I'm jealous. Her daughter had a son and her step-daughter had a little girl. Kat is in 7th heaven.
I had never met Jackie's friend/teacher/woodworker Rita Reade. What a well prepared teacher who provided everything for you including a soldering guns if you truly were a newbe to soldering. Knowledgeable and friendly. Liked her very much. In the photos above of Jackie's art room - the cabinets you see are Rita's handy work since she constructed them for Jackie with Jackie's found doors!
Rita also provided lunch. Delicious. Her is her recipe for her marinara sauce with the surprise ingredients - meatballs from the frozen food section at Walmart. Rita is from Sicily and goes back every other year to see her family. She currently lives in Fallbrook with her husband and and kids.
Rita's Recipe for meatballs and marinara sauce:
Soften in 1 T of Olive oil, 1 t garlic (Rita uses the Costco Garlic) and 1/4 of an onion (not a 1/4 of a cup). Add: 1 t sugar, 1 t kosher salt, 2 of the largest cans of tomato sauce (brand not important), fresh oregano and fresh basil (no amounts given). Two secret ingredients: one potato peeled and quartered and a pinch of cinnamon. Walmart's frozen meatballs Cook for 2 hrs. Rita did not put this over pasta. Had it keeping warm in giant crock pot and served with fresh bread and green salad. It was sooooo good! Thank you Rita.
I hope you will take the time and visit all the links I have included. These talented ladies all have something different to offer in this world of altered art with all the lines are blurred. Scrapbooking, quilting, thrift shop shopping, painting, sketching - it is all over-lapping. I think this is wonderful. Support your local artists/teachers/stores but also be sure to take advantage of those coupons that Michaels' offer also. And share all that you have learned so that we might all benefit from your new finds!
Work Stations
Very nice, Sally! Looks like you all had a lot of productive fun! I still haven't had a chance to finish my book. Maybe one of these days.
Sally I love the way your wall hangings turned out. What a fun day. Loved those meatballs!! Im glad you got the recipe.
Oh very pretty! I still haven't Amadeus the hanger for my KC Willis piece from that class at Urban Barn! I must do that so I can call it done.
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