Thursday, July 22, 2010

KC Willis Rides Again at the Urban Barn

My finished canvas
Commemorating my husband's paternal grandparents
50th wedding anniversary
The quote says "Love Italian Style"

KC Willis of Lipstick Ranch was at the Urban Barn in Escondido on July 21st thanks to my friend, Jackie Baxted, who made it happen!

Urban Barn - Escondido

KC arrived at my home Tuesday from teaching a two day class at her friend's home in Sherman Oaks, CA. A pork tenderloin was ready plus roasted veggies. I had asked her what she liked to drink and she said 'diet coke." But, do you like wine? "yes, a Shiraz would be fine." Well Trader Joe's had the best Shiraz (I know nothing about wine) called Layer Cake from South Australia. Well, just the name clicked with me. I would give up everything for desserts!

After dinner we made a trip to the grocery store to get lunch for the next day. Upon returning KC printed out photos that students had sent her for the next day class. (KC prefers to use Office Max t-shirt transfer paper and after messing around a little we found the settings on my Canon that worked the best). KC answered some emails and dealt with some business and off we went to bed.

Next morning while the coffee was brewing I made my favorite cranberry scones. The next thing we knew, we were off to Escondido. Jackie had met KC the previous day to set up her samples and all the fabric and sewing machines/irons/paint stripping gun we would need.

Table with all the choices of fabrics

Diane with her beginning fabric choices

Diane's almost finished canvas

We only were advised to bring Tacky glue, scissors and embellishments to class. What a wonderful thing to have everything else provided for you.

KC explaining her process

Close up of canvas KC was explaining

KC began her class with a interesting history of how she got to where she is today. She is funny and full of happy positive antidotes. And then we were off.

Jackie getting personal attention like we all did.

Jackie's finished project
Adorable photo of Jackie's mom

KC giving us instructions about "Clumpies"
She should patent this word!

At each step, KC stopped us all and explained what we would be doing next and why we were doing it this way. She certainly knows what she is talking about since she produces 1,400 pieces of work of all sizes each year. Wow! There is a work ethic involved girls!

Ann and her service dog in training
18 month old "America"

America was at Ann's feet the entire day. She is the most well behaved dog I have ever seen. I don't know how Ann is going to part with her next month as America moves on in her training to be an valuable assistant to the handicapped. What a generous person Ann is to devote all this time and effort to an animal she falls in love with and trains in order for someone less fortunate to benefit. Amazing. . .

Ann's finished project

At some point we stopped and munched on lunch and visited. A lot of us knew each other already but we got this opportunity to connect with new people. There were only two people I had not met before, Susan and Leanne and now I know two more sweet and talented ladies! Another thing workshops offer to all of us!

New friend Leanne and her canvas

Leanne's finished project up close
This was a photo of a family member

Another new friend, Susan

The Urban Barn was great for this event because it allowed us so much room to spread out. We didn't feel crowed at all. KC was in constant motion and at our beck and call for advice on all our precious pieces. Some of us had chosen to work with family photos, but KC provided for everyone "her girls" to choose from in various mode of attire.

Christine and her finished canvas
Christine loves blue

Christine was kind enough to bring her computerized sewing machine for everyone to use.

Jenny Lake

Jenny Lake owns Leaping Lotus in the Cedros Design District in Solana Beach. Be sure to stop by her great store for a unique shopping experience. What a sweet heart!

After class and everything was packed up, Davielle generously opened her absolutely amazing home in Encinitas to everyone who could come by for pizza. Thank you Davi!

My dear friends Davielle and Diane

Davi at her work station

Davi's almost completed canvas

The next morning I took KC to my favorite restaurant for breakfast right on the board walk in Pacific Beach - World Famous. Unfortunately the entire time she was in San Diego, we had clouds and very heavy mist and the sun did not peak it's head out. So sad. But, after breakfast and getting gassed up, she was off to her next adventure in Laguna. She should be home pretty soon.

Me and KC and my finished canvas

Please visit her web site(s). Ladies, she will be returning in the Urban Barn the second weekend in February 2011. Below are some shots of the book we will be making! I am signed up. How about you?

The following are some photos of KC's work that was there for us to feel and get up close with. The first examples are of the book she is going to be teaching.

The next two are photos of two of her much larger canvases. They are absolutely stunning.