Monday, October 3, 2011

Kim Caldwell presents Robin Sanchez's VINTAGE WIRE CAGED DOLLS

Sample of Robin's completed Vintage Wire Caged Doll
Sunday, Oct. 2, 2011, I drove to Oceanside to ride with Robin Sanchez and Georgia Lichon to Kim Caldwell's "House Beautiful" in Culver City. Robin was teaching her Vintage Wire Cage Doll class there. I left my home at 6 am. Very long day since I didn't get home until 8 pm that night. But, what fun! Met so many new people and Robin did a great job!
Kim putting the finishing touches to our tables
I had never been to any of Kim Caldwell's events and certainly not to her home. Every nook and cranny of her home that she shares with a husband, son, daughter, dog and feral kitten has Kim's touch including her workroom!
Close-ups of Robin's dolls in progress

Presentation is everything!

Our teacher, Robin Sanchez

Robin was great as a teacher. Our darling "goodie's bags" had everything we needed already cut and ready to go. She took us step by step and gave personal attention where ever needed. Very organized.

Some of Robin's other "stuff" for sale

Robin's worker bee and our friend, Georgia Lichon

Just some of the goodies to snack on at Kim's

Sally asks, "Robin, when should I smile?"

In photo above, check out Robin's bags that she made for each one of us, with all the supplies we would need inside. Aren't they darling and a lot of work. The dresses are fabric on the bags.

More close-ups

Close-up of Robin's doll's skirt
Lunch was delicious. A beautiful fall soup and a delicious salad with walnuts and cranberries, crescents and cupcakes for dessert. Her patio was like being in the Garden of Eden. She lives very close to a large shopping center and busy streets but nothing but her fountain could be heard in her home and back yard.
The table where I worked and my new friends
Starting at the far right and going clockwise around the table:
Aaron, Alicia, Jacquelyn, Priscilla, Olga, Marcella and Susan

Marcella's amazing Day of the Dead themed doll
Marcella and her group of friends came prepared to make theses dolls. Marcella had decoupaged her cup and saucer and had made her Day of the Dead skeleton head. She's not finished yet. All her friends brought everything they thought they would need to decorate their cage. They kept our table laughing out loud all day. What a treat! Can't wait to see Priscilla Cerda, Olga Berdiel, and Marcella Vallejo again, hopefully at Kim's Breakfast at Tiffany's event May 3, 2011!
Olga with her doll in progress

Alicia working on her "witch"
Alicia with her "Halloween Witch" motif doll. She brought all her goods she would need to make this doll happen!
I'll be seeing Alicia two more times this month at Sally Jean's Soldering Workshop in Poway. Alicia is taking all FIVE of Sally Jean's classes (like she usually does. . .). Yea!
Jacquelyn's doll?
I believe this is Jacquelyn's doll head and cup. What was amazing about her dress, was that she had brought an old digital camera that she was "cannibalizing" (taking apart) and was wire wrapping the insides and pieces of the camera to decorate her doll's dress.
Didn't get a photo of Aaron's doll who sat to my left nor Susan's doll who sat to my right. I am hoping we will hook up at Kim Caldwell's Breakfast at Tiffany's event May 3, 2012. They were great to sit next to. Susan shared some ribbon she had that matched the color of my cup. Aaron was the youngest person there and is just embarking on this new addition to her life - art - in all forms. What an amazing and talented person she is, plus she is also a fixed wing pilot! Great table to be sitting thanks to Kim's grouping.

Kim's table with Robin supervising

Cheryl's doll in progress

Check out the name tags that Kim made for all of us. They were available for us to take home as one of her hostess gifts for coming to her home. First Class all the way!

Terry Frias worked with a much smaller cup and saucer

Kim's blonde headed doll

I had a great time at this class for all the right reasons. I would never hesitate to take a class again that is connected to either my friend and teacher, Robin Sanchez or our hostess, Kim Caldwell. Thank you both for all the trouble and fuss you went to for all of us!


1 comment:

Margo said...

Ohhh Ahhh! It looks like you all had a great time. The variety of doll cages is amazing. I knew Robin would do a great job - such talent. Of course you choose pink - it's adorable!