Angel in progress with MANY layers of Prisma Colored Pencils
"I love my angels." You don't hear that too often from my lips. The progress I have made since August and my first Suzi Blu class has been remarkable. My family, including my most critical daughter, Kari, can't believe. Once again, I am sharing my progression from Suzi Blu's online classes. This time it is her Angel Online class. I am hoping that this will inspire others to try. From my scanty initial block sketches to my sketch book and then on to wood. It has been a satisfying journey.
1st try at composition sketches
2nd try at composition sketch
The Angels started out at Suzi's place out on her lawn. (That day is when I initially injured my back for over a month). Suzi was showing me how she looks at all theses different books and magazines to get inspired. So, I did that. Then she said to make boxes on my sketch pad paper and start getting ideas down on paper. My sketches were really sketchy. About this time sitting on the grass and reaching for something, I pulled something in my back. Day was over as I realized I was really way too old to be sitting on the grass with my legs out in front. That night at home with some pain medication in me, I started drawing.
Page from "The Fantastic Art of SULAMITH WULFING"
At home I made a copy of the black and white drawing in the book that I had been looking at on Suzi's lawn. I had chosen one of the vignettes from my sketch. Here is the entire page. If you look closely, you can see exactly where I got my drawing. Remember, I am don't selling theses. They are for my own personal pleasure or pain - as the case my be. . .
My 1st angel sketch
My 2nd angel sketch
My 3rd angel sketch
Theses three drawings were all done in two days. There are no other drawings. One of the books Suzi looked so familiar to me and so did the art work. She let me take it home with me and there I realized I had purchased years ago this artist's colored calendar. I then went and purchased the book for myself.
A couple of weeks later I went once again to Suzi's with my sketch now on a large 12 x 16 wood canvas and I burnt my first image on wood. You have to go very slow when burning. I feel I only made one major mistake while burning. Suzi reassured me that this can be easily fixed when I start painting. (The mistake was done when burning her cheek).
Wood burned final angel
When going through all my magazine pages I had ripped out over the years, I found this page. One night I decided to try to draw this. Here is the results.
Magazine page
My sketch of the magazine page
The Angel isn't complete, but there are layer upon layer of Prisma colored pencil on her face. I love her face (again something you don't hear me say very often). After the holidays I will paint her. I am really scared to add the paint. My comfort level is at sketching on a pad and my Prisma Colored Pencils. Golden paints will become my friend again, I'm sure. It's just that I get too married to what I have done and am terrified of ruining it, not realizing yet that I can always do it all over again.
Suzi and my dearest art friend Georgia, will be horrified with this declaration. From the beginning they both have tried to drill into me that there are no mistakes in art - just happy accident. I'm not quite there yet, friends.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Once upon our time in the far away land of Ho-Ho-Ha-Ha Nova Scotia, there lives a beautiful Princess of the Airwaves.Her name is Alice; she lives in a wonderland of caring and sharing, between two Dave’s, the mountains of masculinity that give her purpose.Alice masterfully expands time for all those she adores, her listeners.
Had my Ernie not encountered Alice out there on the waves of “Ham,” we would not have the pleasure of knowing and loving this determined survivor of three killers, heart attack, stroke, and cancer. Alice authors missiles of daily living with a flare of cursive, second only to hours of melodic ruminations she sets afloat upon the airwaves. Living, Laughing, and Loving humor of the “Frank, Ernie, Alice” kind is oh so rare and wildly contagious.
Now, here comes the mailman! And what to our wondering eyes should appear, but tiny little packages filled with crafts Alice doth share.Socks, shirts, and every other sort, emblazoned with the red leaf of Canada’s Court; handmade dish cloths and chocolate candies galore, letters and photos and how could there be more?
So, I and friend Carol, think,"how do we say, thank you” in the lovliest way? Then came the idea, "we'll make stationery to brighten her day".What you see below, designed in Sally’s workshop, are the results of our play.
and, "What an Event!" But wait, it was more than scrapbooking. We sewed. We did jewelry. We learned new techniques. ect. etc. etc. It was amazing.It was put on by Liz Kartchner, Margie-Romney-Aslett, Rhonna Farrer and Jefra Linn.
Elena and me
Elena and Sally flew to Salt Lake City together on Thursday, Nov. 5. Elena was going as the Canon representative, demo-ing the Selphy printer, plus, Scrapbook Royalty, her non-profit charity was organizing and running the raffle and silent auction. We stayed at the Marriott University Park which was about 2 miles from the event and provided everyone with a shuttle back and forth.
Liz, Margie, Jefra and Rhonna
The creative force and our leaders at Spark
This Is The Place had been decorated from head to toe very shabby chic and using the least amount of dinero and the most amount of man power to create this village for us to roam and play.
On Friday at high noon, registration and shopping began. This was all located at a place nestled in the mountains above Salt Lake City proper called - ready? This Is The Place. . . For some reason (those who know me well won't be surprised) but I had trouble remembering the name - it was just to obvious for this Pollack, I guess.
The rest of the day was spent in different houses at an event called "Artisan Show & Tell." Demonstrations from several artisans and hands-on mini class demos were so much fun. The person with the longest wait period to sit down and learn from was Melissa Blackburn. It was sewing and using some of her collection of antique pearls. See the sample below.
Elena, me and Melissa
What I made with Melissa Blackburn's instructions
Elena setting up
There were so many hands-on demos including learning to crochet and paper folding to make a book out of velum. Theses teachers all had so much patience. Especially those who taught intricate techniques.
Where we got together
That night in Smoot Hall we all came back together for dinner, games and train trip around This Is The Place. They had a photo booth set up with props. Four of us squeezed into the booth, but Elena has the photos that the booth actually took. Here is one from outside the booth.
Stephenie, Elena, me and Karla almost in the booth
I met so many new people that I only knew by name but now we are friends forever.
April, me, Margie in Karla's lap and Rhonna
Then there was this large wood piece that had 3 picture frames with the inside of the frames cut out. We could have our photos taken inside one of the frames or all of the frames. Very cute idea. Then back to our hotel for us out-of-towner's.
Me in one of the frames
The following day, Saturday, it all started early at 9 a.m. with the key note speaker and painter/artist Cassandra Barney. She was so inspiring - which was exactly the point! One of her larger pieces was later silent auctioned to benefit the Suan B. Komen foundation. She also had canases there to purchase.
Bad photo of darling Canssandra Barney and her work on metal and canvas that was for sale
Then we were on to our 4 classes. I went first to Pine Valley where Margie and April Meeker lead us in making a necklace. I purchased one of April's necklaces at the shopping spree made of fabric and jewels. I was so happy to learn that she is local - Carlsbad. We had much to talk about since I am adopted and she has adopted a child and is in the process of adopting another. She also has a "natural" child and helped me understand how a mother does not love one more than another. They ARE her children - biological or not! Thank you April.
Then after lunch which was provided by the Boutique & Bistro extraordinaire - "dear lizzie" my group went to Rhonna and Liz's class at Social Hall. I also learned that I can now purchase Rhonna's PhotoShop brushes at I have been a big fan of her brushes and images for a long time and used some of her brushes on my moo cards!
Next was Jafra's camera class. This was a hands on class where first she showed us on a screen, photos she had taken including with her cell phone. She made the point that good photos have so much more to do with the person taking the photo than with the camera you are using. She then took us outside where we taught us a few tricks to do with our camera and how to trick our camera. Then we broke up into people with complicated cameras with BIG lenses and another group with the point and shoot cameras. She had helper bees, the event photographer and husband of Liz - Colin, who was so helpful to all of us and was such an addition to the entire Spark event. There was also a young girl who is a photographer extraordinaire. She went around outside with our groups to make suggestions. What I mainly learned was how to look at my scenes with new eyes - to really focus on the composition. I ended up taking so many great shots to use as backgrounds in photo shop.
View of Salt Lake City from the even with my little Sony Cyber Shot DSC-T90 It fits in the front pocket of my jeans!
What I made in Kelly McCaleb's class
Finally we finished up at the Hospital where we learned to make wonderful fabric flowers with no sewing. (They will be glued to my t-shirt shortly). Kelly is the most layed back (which lay am I to use here?) teacher. It was the only class where I actually finished my flowers and loved them! Every other project is still a work in progress. . . I promise and can't wait to complete them all!
Alisa Burke's purses that I won
After dinner back in Smoot Hall we had two inspiring women stand up and tell their story regarding their bouts with cancer. What amazing women and what a great lead in since all the money from the raffle and silent auction went to the Susan B. Komen Foundation. So after they spoke we all went back up to the Social Hall to learn if we won any of the 125 donated items in the raffle. I got there a little late and was told my new friend Karla la la la, that I had already won 2 items. In all, I won 5 items! Boy was I lucky. Plus, guess who 3 of the prizes were from, my online teacher and local artist, Alisa Burke. I won all 3 of her canvas purses. Elena immediately informed me that her birthday was coming in Dec. and that she had really wanted the black and white purse. We'll see. . .
I also won the rhinestone front and back license plates from my new friend Laurie along with a pkg of scrapbook goodies.
Lastly, I won one of the most desireable raffle items, the chandelier pendant and necklace - that everyone wanted including Elena - Note Elena, you're not getting this!
When we got back to the hotel, the Marriot at University Park, I helped Elena count all the tickets in all the bags and then she put all the info into Excel.
Elena inputting data at event
Elena worked so hard all day on the silent auction and the raffle to benefit the Susan B. Komen foundation. I never realize how much work this entails. You need to give each item a name and number. Make bags for the raffle tickets to go into. Sell raffle tickets. Have all the items cataloged and displaced in a safe place but one where everyone can view the items closely. Since she was in a room that was being used for classes, she could do some of this until the last minute! Plus, items kept arriving up until the last minute.
I went to all the classes and colletcted her kits so that at some point she will be able to sit down and see exactly what she missed!
Stephenie, me and Karla they are both 6 feet tall. . .
New friends, Erin Bassett, Lori Shrout and me
Margie leading campfire in foreground
We finished the day around a campfire where we were handed sparklers to light and share the SPARK of new friendships that we gather at this event.
Regrets? Yes! I hung around with two of Elena's great friends, Stephanie of Fiskars and Karla, from up in Pittsburg, CA. I have no photos of them. I would have loved to have taken a photo standing between the two of them since I am 5'2" tall. Stephanie is 6' tall and Karl la la la, is at least 2 or 3 inches taller than that - 6'3" . Next time. . .
Margie, Liz, Rhonna and Jafra are not sure right now if this is going to be an annual event. But, I am so glad I was able to go and participate. It was worth it for so many reasons! I now have the Spark and will continue to pass it along.
The first week in August there was the So Cal Shop Hop. We were given books of all the scrapbook stores in Southern California. I missed that week and was not able to get out an about except to two stores close to my home. But, the following week I had to go up to Los Angeles and decided to stop in and see some new stores that I didn't know about before.
Cover - Scrap n' Yap's idea
One of them was in Monrovia, right off the 210 freeway. It is called Scrap n' Yap. The store was so cute and the person behind the counter was working on this darling Halloween book. She was using a product that was a book to make a castle. It was a work in progress and she was doing such interesting things. I ended up purchasing 3 of theses books and asked if I could photograph what she had done so far. I told her I don't teach and won't be selling my creation. She said, "no problem." I then ended up purchasing tons ($$$$) of product to make my book. One of the items that made the book so unique was the lace that they had for sale at the checkout counter. It looked like spider webs and the worker bee had used it in the windows. Loved it.
I am so glad to be finished with this project. Making one would have been fun. Making 3 is an entirely different story. Yesterday I sent off two of the books - one to my husband's grandson, Aidan - the other to my husband's great-grandson, Christian. I kept one for myself, in case my kids will ever decide to have children. I would not want to make this book again and so, "I am ready!"
Design idea from Scrap n' Yap
I'm just posting a few of the pages so that you can get the idea. Remember that some of the pages were not my idea, but gave me new ideas for other pages.
Stencils, stickers and a stamp
Pages with place for photos
Last page
There are 8 double sided pages in each book. Hope if you ever are in the Monrovia area you will stop in and visit at Scrap n' Yap and tell them Silly Sal sent you.
40 friends and family for a sit-down dinner and open bar at Mr. A's. What a Surprise! I LOVE surprises so they surprised me by having the party 6 months early - one way to have a successful surprise party. . . That's Erik La Com on the left and Kari La Com on my right. Great kids! (oops, I mean adults).
Not sure why I am doing this. I always want to learn new things about the computer. This "Creating a Blog" is all new to me. Until my local adult education computer center offers a free course in setting up a blog, I am on my own with the help of my friend, Bets.
What exactly do I want to do with this site? I'm not sure. I guess, post photos of things I am doing, people I am interacting with family wise or art/scrapbook-wise. Not sure. Remember, "Every day is an Adventure" and "what is life but for Risk" has always been thoughts to live by. So here I go. . .
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